Welcome to My Portfolio
I am a Ph.D. Research Fellow and Doctoral Candidate in Systems Engineering with a focus on robotics at Boston University. I am working under Dr. Christos Cassandras at the Control and Optimization of Discrete Event Systems (CODES) Laboratory.
I work at the intersection between robotics and operations research. I am particularly interested in the design of robust and safe AI algorithms for robotics systems for process optimization at a large scale. Particularly, I work on path planning of connected autonomous vehicles for traffic minimization. My lab focuses on the design of smart cities. I firmly believe that by solving some of the issues with autonomous driving first, we could start solving greater problems such as mobility and transportation in cluttered cities by taking these issues into account during the design stage.
Explore my work below, and contact me directly to learn more.

2022.3: Got a paper accepted at IEEE ITSC
2021.8: Teaching Fellow of EK125 Introduction to Programming
2021.5: I started as a Machine Learning Research Intern at MathWorks
2019.9: I start a PhD program in Systems Engineering at Boston University working under Dr. Christos Cassandras
2019.3: I joined Byton as ADAS verification and validation engineer
2018.5: I finish my Msc in Aerospace engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
2018.4: I defended my Master Thesis in Homography-based State Estimation for Autonomous Explorations in Unknown Environments
2018.3: I got a mention as the ERAU Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year
2018.1: I got a paper accepted at AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference on Vision-Based State Estimation Using Tracked Landmarks
2017:01: I present a paper on Homography-Based State Estimation for Autonomous UAV Landing at AIAA Scitech
2016.05: I get accepted as a Research Assistant at Bauhaus Luftfahrt under the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) RISE professional scholarship program
2015.05: I finish my Bachelors degree in Aerospace Engineering with concentration in Dynamics and Controls
"I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"
Thomas Edison

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